Monday, July 17, 2017

Agenda for the 2017 Fall Collaborative

Register at this link.

The Connecticut Captive Insurance Association
The 2017 Collaborative on Captive Insurance
The Sheraton Hotel
700 East Main Street, Stamford, CT 06901

“Creating the New Captive Revolution” 

October 25, 2017

3:00 - 3:45
Captives 101 – What is Captive Insurance?
- How do Captives create value for your company?
- What’s the cost benefit vs. traditional insurance

3:45 – 5:00
Why Haven’t You Formed a Captive Yet? 
An Interactive Discussion on the Benefits of Captive insurance for Your Business

Janet Grace - State of CT Department of Insurance
Rocco Mancini - Marsh 
Colin Finch - Milliman
Alicia Miller - Crowe Horwath

Moderator: Michael Maglaras

5:00 - 6:30
The Idea Factory:  What Are the Challenging Questions of Our Time? 
A Roundtable Discussion on Innovation in Connecticut's Captive Marketplace

Topics include:
- Can We Fix 831(b) Captives?
- Why Can’t We Write Direct Workers’ Compensation in Captives?
- InsurTech: Being Captive to the Future
- Cyber Liability: Why worry?

Michael Maglaras
Todd Cunningham
Stephen Vina
Dawne Davenport
Michael Serricchio
Ali Savafi
Stacey Brown

Thomas Hodson
Janet Grace

Glenn Saslow - 831(b)
Michael Maglaras - Workers Compensation
Michael Serricchio - Cyber Liability
Stephen DiCenso - InsurTech

6:30 - 7:30     
Cocktail Reception with Exhibitors - Sponsored by Michael Maglaras & Company

October 26, 2017

7:30 - 9:00       
Registration, Continental Breakfast and Networking with Exhibitors

7:30 - 8:30
Networking Breakfast: Meet the Connecticut Insurance Department Regulators
Meet and Greet Connecticut’s Insurance Commissioner Katharine Wade, Captive Division Director, Janet Grace, and CCIA Board Chair, Michael Maglaras

8:30 - 9:00
The State of the State - Connecticut’s Evolving Captive Marketplace

Katharine Wade, Insurance Commissioner, State of Connecticut
Catharine Smith, Commissioner of the Department of Economic and Community Development
Legislative Members from the State of Connecticut Insurance Committee

9:00 - 10:15
Moving the Ball Forward - Idea Factory Breakouts

A.  The Small Business Captive Revolution
- How to form these captives to accomplish the real purpose of risk transfer
- What regulators will look for in Small Business Captive applications and business plans
- How Small Business Captives can be used to improve the functioning of your insurance portfolio and allow you to assume risk in a controlled and affordable way

Michael Serricchio
Glenn Saslow
Dawne Davenport
Cindy Lyford

Moderator: Glenn Saslow
Coordinator: Glenn Saslow

B.  Redefining Workers’ Compensation in Captives
- Whether captives should be permitted to write statutory benefit coverage
- The ideal partnership between captives and the commercial workers’ compensation underwriting community
- Ideas about how to “get it right” when it comes to the integration of on or off the job disability

Michael Maglaras
Brian First
Steve DiCenso
Janet Grace

Moderator: Michael Maglaras
Coordinator: Michael Maglaras

10:15 – 10:30
Coffee and Networking

10:30 - 11:15
Moving the Ball Forward - Idea Factory Breakouts

A.  Cyber Liability in Captives: Why Worry?
- The current cyber security marketplace, how it functions, and what the underwriting challenges are
- Expert perspective on the growing, and challenging, international cyber threat
- Whether this is a good time for captives to augment available capacity in a marketplace already challenged to meet demand

Michael Serricchio
Stephen Vina
Todd Cunningham

Moderator: Michael Serricchio
Coordinator: Rocco Mancini

B.  Disrupting the Market: The InsurTech Captive Revolution
- What is InsurTech?  How does it work? How is it expected to change the future?
- What can captives learn from commercial insurance market innovation and investment alternatives?
- What will the captive transaction of the future look like, and how will captive owners meet the internal challenges of managing risk in a world dominated by “virtual insurance”?

Stacey Brown
Ali Savafi

Moderator: Stephen DiCenso

11:15 - 12:00
Keynote Speaker: Glenn Finch

12:00 - 1:30
Buffet Lunch, Networking, and “Meet the CCIA Board”

1:30 - 3:00
Dialogue, Debate, Disruption:  Incubating the Captive of the Future
- Is cryptocurrency on your horizon?... accepting captive premiums and paying captive claims through the InsurTech window
- Who is ahead of the curve on innovation?... how captives and the commercial market will forge new partnerships as the world’s insurance needs change
- Insuring your customers, partners, supplliers… is third party business in captives the future of the captive movement

AND… announcing “CHIINS”…the Connecticut Hub for Innovation in Insurance!

Discussion Leaders: 
Daniel J. Labrie 
Michael Maglaras

Moderator: Tom Hodson

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